Interactive billboard asks viewers to ‘drag him away’

The National Centre for Domestic Violence has placed an interactive billboard at Euston Station in London which encourages onlookers to use their phones to drag an abusive man away from his partner…

The campaign, created by JWT London, features a man violently admonishing his partner on a screen in the station concourse. Viewers are encouraged to visit a website featured on the billboard via their phones, where they can then swipe the screen to drag the man away. This action is reflected in the station, with the man shown being moved across adjacent billboards, while messages encouraging people to report domestic violence appear. The film below shows how it works:

The challenge for these types of campaigns is getting people to interact in the first place. In this sense, a station is the perfect place to position this campaign, as there will be a number of people standing around, waiting for trains, who are more likely to spend the time required to look up the site. Viewers can also interact with the site via QR codes shown on other screens in the station.

Agency: JWT London
ECD: Russell Ramsey
Creatives: Hugh Todd, Adam Scholes
Creative technologists: Dan Dawson and Neil Morris, Grand Visual
Digital production company: Grand Visual
Director: Samuel Abrahams
Production company: Smuggler

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