Inspired :: Pretty Photography


What do you think of these lovelies by photographer Kari Herer? I absolutely love anything that includes gorgeous flowers, and this unique but simple concept moved me. I must not be alone because Kari has received some excellent press. Kari likes to create her pieces using her experience in fine art and graphic design, but with the added touch of nature. You can read more about Kari Herer on her website, blog, or purchase these pieces at her etsy shop.


Another photography concept that I thought to be quite pretty was by Petek Design. Maybe it is my love for vintage things, I don't know – but this concept of using vintage spoons is adorable to me. It would be a great gift to get newlyweds, or for a couple who recently purchased their first home. You can either get a print of the spoons that match you the most, or they offer a calendar as well.


Petek Design is a company based in Tel Aviv, Israel, they are a new design initiative who hope to offer a special and unique point of view to your decorating. – Tiffany King


..Kari Herer

..Petek Design

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