Information is Beautiful Awards results

Detail from Peter Ørntoft’s Infographics in Context (Interest #4 Refugees and Immigrants) which won gold in Data Visualisation (see below for full graphic)

Earlier this evening the ICA in London staged the inaugural Information is Beautiful Awards, a celebration of the best work in data visualisation and infographics. Here are the winning projects from the night…

Staged in partnership with market research company Kantar, the awards were set up by data journalist and information designer, David McCandless, whose has been reporting on data visualisation since 2009.

There were six main awards categories, with a bronze, silver and gold awarded in Infographic / Information Design; Data Visualisation; Interactive Visualisation; Data Journalism; Motion Infographic; and Tool or Website.

Over 1,000 projects were entered and judged by a panel including musician and artist Brian Eno; Paola Antonelli, senior curator at the Museum of Modern Art; Maria Popova, editor of cultural curation site; and Simon Rogers, editor of The Guardian Datablog. Visitors to the IIB site were also invited to vote for the Community Award, and their votes also contributed to the final totals.

For larger versions of the winning work, and to access interactive sections, please follow the links included below.

Motion Infographic:

Gold: What is the True Cost of War? by Peter Jeffs, Tom Stevenson. Narrated by Tony Benn this short animation examines the cost of the UK’s involvement in the war in Afghanistan.

Silver: Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Virus by Patrick Clair, Scott Mitchell.

Bronze: The seventh billion by


Interactive Visualisation:

Gold: Notabilia by Moritz Stefaner, Dario Taraborelli and Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia. This interesting site visualises various “deletion discussions on Wikipedia”.

Silver: The American Energy Spectrum Infographic by Hyperakt (Deroy Peraza, Eric Fensterhei).

Bronze: The Evolution of the Web by Hyperakt (Deroy Peraza, Eric Fensterheim).


Tool or Website:

Gold: AntiMap by Trent Brooks. AntiMap is a creative toolset for recording and then visualising a user’s own data, via the AntiMap Log smart phone app (below, top) which can be synchronised with the AntiMap Video desktop application (demo shown, below).

Silver: FF Chartwell by Travis Kochel and FontFont.

Bronze: Gephi by Mathieu Bastian, Sébastien Heymann, Mathieu Jacomy.


Data Journalism:

Gold: CNN Home and Away by Stamen Design LLC. This sobering infographic plots US casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, against a map showing the location of each of the soldiers’ hometowns.

Silver: Public Spending by the UK’s Government Departments, 2010-2011 by The Guardian Data and The Guardian Graphics teams.

Bronze: Metallica on Stage by Deniz Cem Önduygu, Amaç Herdağdelen, Eser Aygün.


Data Visualisation:

Gold: Infographics in Context (Interest #4 – Refugees and Immigrants) by Peter Ørntoft. “The focus of the interest deals with whether or not the Danes think it’s ethical to wear religious symbols in public professions,” writes Ørntoft on his website (where another six examples are shown). “I have used the looks and appearances of traditional religious symbols to design the diagrams explaining the data.”

Silver: Look At The Sky: Belief and Science by Carla Fernández Arce.

Bronze: Lunar Calendar by Dimitre Lima.


Infographic / Information Design:

Gold: Cover Mania by Michele Mauri. This infographic, which appeared in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra and can be seen in its entirety here, shows how The Beatles became the ‘most covered’ band ever.

Silver: Envisioning Emerging Technology by Michell Zappa / Envisioning Tech.

Bronze: CV by Paulo Estriga.

Special Awards

Studio Award:

Best individual contribution:
Moritz Stefaner

Student Award:
Timeline of the Universe, Omid Kashan

Corporate Award:
The Interactive UK Energy Consumption Guide, Epiphany Search (Gaz Battersby and Bryan James)

Community Award:
Metallica on Stage, Deniz Cem Önduygu, Amaç Herdağdelen, Eser Aygün

Challenge Winner, infodesign:
The Top Most Profitable Movies of 2001 Across 22 Story Types, Cristina Vanko

Challenge Winner, interactive:
Budgets Big and Small, Daniel Leventhal

Ultimate Award – Most Beautiful:
CNN Home & Away, Stamen

More details on the winning work will also be available at



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