Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayón

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

Here are some more photos and sketches of the information centre by Spanish designer Jaime Hayón for the newly renovated Groninger Museum in the Netherlands (see our earlier story)

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

The space features long pendant lights hanging from a circular mirrored panel on the ceiling.

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

In the middle of the room, desks with hoods covering computers create private booth-like spaces for browsing.

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

Many of the pieces have been custom-made for the space, including the furniture, magazine stands, mirrors and a bespoke handmade vase.

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

See all our stories on Jaime Hayón in our special category »

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

The following information is from the designer:

The Info Center

The idea behind the info center was to come up with a new approach for this sort of space that is traditionally cold and impersonal. Our aim was to integrate the latest technology into it without making this visible.

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

The center would retain a homey feel to it and would be functional as well as flexible. The table with niches allows for privacy and concentration and it also provides plenty of traditional table surface for any other use.

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

The concept had to be as special and different as this museum so most furniture elements were custom designed and manufactured for the center.

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

A few of the custom furniture elements include the multitable, the magazine stands, the mirrors and vases as well as many other features. The space stands out with its bespoke residential feel and the quality of craft visible in every element.

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

Surely, the visitor will feel they have entered a special place. There is a special art piece in the center and it is a gigantic hand made and hand painted vase that is one of a kind. It is dedicated to the Netherlands, my loved one and her loved ones.

Information Centre at the Groninger Museum by Jaime Hayon

The marble floors are cut in hexagon shapes and give a royal feel to the public space. The copper lights, custom cinema and display cases around the room create a warm atmosphere, filled with light and energy.

The media center is a very special room for a very special museum…

See also:


Groninger Museum
Octium Jewelry shop by
Jaime Hayón
Porcelain by Jaime Hayón for Kutani Choemon
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