In tribute to Morran

Camilla shared the sad news of her dog Morran’s passing. This little dog has entertained and amused so many people over the years, and most recently Camilla started a book project with illustrators from around the world contributing portraits inspired by the pup.

Morran has been such a large part of Camilla’s life and career; so much so that when we created The Suitcase Series Volume 1: Camilla Engman, we had to recognize Morran in some way. So I wrote a little storybook about Morran, illustrated with Camilla’s photos and drawings. It is a separate little booklet, inserted into the larger book. I decided to share the booklet story with you here, in tribute to the little Swedish dog with a big imagination. The story seems fitting, a metaphor for life.

Thank you, Morran, we will miss you.

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