In Brief: RISD Launches Reusable Grad Programs, SVA D-Crit Open House, Online Portfolio Critique

  • Every built structure eventually faces three possibilities: demolition, preservation, or adaptive reuse. That last option is where the Rhode Island School of Design’s two newest graduate programs come in. The just announced Master of Arts in Interior Architecture and Master of Design in Interior Studies (Adaptive Reuse) are geared toward two distinct student populations. For students who have earned a BArch or its equivalent, the intense but short MA program will prepare students to engage in the practice of adaptive reuse and to develop strategies in their work that recognize the importance of social and environmental responsibility. Meanwhile, the MDes program allows students who have not earned a first professional degree in architecture to focus on the alteration of existing structures through interior interventions and adaptive reuse. Learn more (or just download a fetching desktop wallpaper of RISD interior architecture students at work) here.

  • Fancy yourself a design critic in the making? This Saturday, November 6, in New York City the School of Visual Arts’ Design Criticism department will host an afternoon of presentations and informal discussion about its MFA in Design Criticism, better known by its rapper name, D-Crit. Students will talk about their experiences so far, delightful D-Crit chairperson Alice Twemlow (who founded the program with Steven Heller) will provide a program overview, and faculty members Adam Levy, Ralph “Design Mind” Caplan, and Andrea Codrington will discuss the courses they teach. We hear that there will be drinks (mimosas!) and snacks (exceptionally well designed doughnuts), and if you ask nicely, we suspect they’ll let you peruse the twelve-volume reprint set of Domus that we spied in one of the D-Crit classrooms on a recent visit. Get all of the details here.
  • Mediabistro is doing its part to widen your educational horizons—and you don’t even have to leave the house. As part of its new Creative Pro program, mb will host an online portfolio critique on Wednesday, November 10. You’re welcome to watch the webcast for free, but only Creative Pro members (join here for $19 per month) are eligible to have their work reviewed by Matt Murphy, a creative director at 72andsunny, and Ivan Raszl, editor of Brands of the World. “This is a great opportunity to find out if your book is good enough to get you hired from people who look at these things a lot,” says mb’s Amanda Barrett, herself no slouch in the creativity department. Learn more and sign up here.

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