Igor Chak’s Vintage-Videogame-Based Furniture Designs


L.A.-based industrial designer Igor Chak, who has one of the more fascinating bios I’ve read in a while, has a passion for vintage videogames. You probably remember 16bitghost’s custom furniture videogame shrines, but Chak went in a different direction, allowing the videogames to become the furniture themselves.


Chak’s leather-clad Space-Invader-inspired sofa, which he describes as “an old friend that kept trying to take over Earth but retired and became a couch,” is hand-built in L.A. and ships within two to four weeks of being ordered.


His Donkey Kong shelving might not be sturdy enough to hold an angry ape and rolling barrels of flaming pitch, but it’ll handle whatever you’ve got in your apartment.


The wall is made out of individual sections; each section is made out of durable but light carbon fiber, anodized aluminum pixels that are joined with strong stainless steel rods and toughened glass tops. The special mounts themselves are made out of steel and can support up to 60 lbs.


Check out more of Chak’s work here.


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