House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia

This rural house in Switzerland by local studio Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia is raised off the hillside on a pair of gigantic concrete columns (+ slideshow).

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia

The single-storey House in Sonvico is constructed on a 20-metre long concrete slab, which is elevated above the ground on one side to line up with the highest level of the site.

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia

“We and the clients both wanted to create a single-storey house,” architect Martino Pedrozzi told Dezeen. “Because of the slope, we invented a level section.”

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia

Rather than create an entrance at the point where the building meets the ground, Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia designed the house with a hollow centre so that residents climb up from underneath to enter. This arrangement also creates a terrace beneath the building with a swimming pool alongside.

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia

Timber-framed windows sit within the houses’s chunky concrete frame. White ceramic tiles clad any walls between and feature a mixture of polished and matte finishes.

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia

The rooms of the house are arranged in sequence around the perimeter, while a corridor runs around the inside. There are also circular rooms inside the columns and one contains a staircases so it can double up as a second entrance.

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia

Other houses completed recently in Switzerland include a family home with a corner missing from its roof and a house with vertical seams. See more Swiss houses on Dezeen.

Photography is by Pino Brioschi.

Here’s a project description from Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia:

House in Sonvico

A one storey house on a quite steep slope. That was the challenge imposed by topography and client. A most welcome challenge of course: to us one storey architecture is the best condition for good architecture. Its solution stays in the section of the project: a big horizontal prestressed slab of fifteen by twenty metres sitting on the natural land on one hand and laying on two gigantic round pillars on the opposite site. Above twenty pillars sustain the roof. Under a main space is created for outdoor living.

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia
First floor plan – click for larger image

The house structure is external and integrally made in concrete. None of its parts penetrate the internal insulated spaces that are organised around a central void, between slab and roof. Ceramic white tiles, shiny and opaque defining a graphic pattern, contrast with concrete and enclose the indoor living spaces.

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia
Ground floor plan – click for larger image

Where the house lays on the ground, there is the access. Descending upstream the slope a big porch introduces the house main door. Inside, the square-shaped ground floor is divided between public and private spaces. Public spaces like entrance hall, living room, dining room and studio are placed in the middle of the sides. Private spaces like bedrooms and kitchen find their place in the corners and when it is necessary can be isolated from the rest.

House in Sonvico by Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia
Cross section – click for larger image

The central void makes the connection between indoor and outdoor living spaces. A staircase leads down to a paved and partially covered surface integrating a swimming pool, a laying and a dining area, surrounded by an impressive natural environment.

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Architetti Pedrozzi e Diaz Saravia
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