Hillier Wing of RMJM Files Suit Against Parent Company Over Unpaid Bills and Siphoned Cash


All of the issues plaguing the mega-architectural firm RMJM, which we reported on back in early November, seem to have now made their way over here to the States. The Star-Ledger is reporting that the Princeton, New Jersey-based wing of the firm, formerly known as Hillier Architecture before they merged with RMJM in 2007, thus creating one of the largest architecture companies in the world, has filed suit against their parent company, citing a breach of contract and hundreds of thousands of dollars “in unpaid bonuses and shares that were due in January 2009.” Furthermore, the paper reports that the suit claims that “RMJM was siphoning off millions of dollars from its Hillier subsidiary.” Certainly doesn’t seem at all like a very friendly collaborative environment, and likely not the news RMJM wants added to all the press they received late last year about all the layoffs, staff exits and starchitect Will Alsop not yet landing any jobs for them. From their camp, they’ve denied any wrong-doing, telling the paper that “the firm had faced financial issues but called allegations of asset-stripping ‘both outrageous and utterly untrue.’”

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