Harvey LED Task Lamp Featuring Fully Adjustable Magnetic Joints


Early iterations of LED-based task lamps welded the bulky armature of a spring loaded swing arm with an airy plane of illuminating diodes. Compared to the fragile bulk of an incandescent, the form factor of the arm rarely did the new technology justice.

Consequently when we first saw the loose and spindly form of the Harvey lamp by David Oxley, we were intrigued. The product specifications state that the featherweight arm comes it at just 0.3 kilos. (that’s about 10 ounces to a Yank), making the five pound base seem like a ton, though I’m sure he’s done the maths on the balance.


More interesting to us is the promise of a novel joint technology allowing full freedom of movement using magnets. Perhaps when supporting that little weight, you no longer need springs. Unfortunately, the schematics didn’t show a cross section of the joint, so those details weren’t illuminated. At 99 quid ($159), we were happy to Kickstart the project, just to receive a lamp and find out.




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