Hand-Eye Supply Announces its Maker Overlords for 2012!


Once again Core77’s Hand-Eye Supply is participating in Portland, Oregon’s Starlight Parade, this year defending its title of Best Illumination! As a part of this extravaganza we held an open call to find a group of “Portland’s Most Inspirational Makers” who will literally be paraded through the streets on our float “The Brain Storm”. After receiving 52 nominees and over 1200 votes we have our winners! Reflecting Portland, Oregon’s diverse maker culture our winners this year hail from a variety of fields.

Our official Maker Overlords who will be gracing the float:
– Film Maker and Teacher Courtney Hermann
– Designer David Stoops of Blackstar Bags
– Robot Builder Amy Wiegand of Team Pandamonium
– Tinkerer and Teacher Steve Davee

We are very honored to have this team for our float and encourage all Portland readers to turn out to cheer them on at the Starlight Parade on the evening of June 2nd. The parade offers an eclectic mix of parade floats, marching bands, and people representing local businesses and organizations. It draws more than 250,000 spectators to downtown Portland and is broadcast live on KPTV (Channel 12 on your TV dial.)

We really appreciate the enthusiasm displayed by all our nominees and their posses!

Here are some pics from our announcement party, where in addition to celebrating our Maker Overlords we invited party-goers to create designs that will be compiled and illuminated in our float – “The Brain Storm”

Party_02.jpgPhoto Courtesy of Lindsie Reitz // Suite

Party_08.jpgOverlords Steve Davee and Courtney Hermann with Kerri Beth Elliot


Party_06.jpgPhoto Courtesy of Lindsie Reitz // Suite


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