Guest Post: What do you like to do?

intuitive painting supplies
Part of the fun of designing a creative ritual for yourself is determining what you like to do. Sarah has a passion for photography, color, art, good design, embroidery, painting, and writing. She shares her method for creating a visual inspiration board below.

“A great way of defining your interests is with a visual inspiration board. Gather the following items:

  • your favourite magazines
  • glue sticks
  • scissors
  • 8-1/2 x 11 board (illustration board, poster board, it does not have to be fancy)
  • anything else that inspires you

Schedule a time to start looking through the magazines. When you find items of interest, cut them out and set them aside. If you find words that speak to you, cut those out as well.

Once you have gathered all your inspiration, organize the pieces on the board in a way that speaks to you and glue them on. You now have a starting point for your own creative journey. Place it somewhere that you will see it every day.”
byw mood board

Up next: Appointments with creativity

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