Guest Pinner: Kitchens by House of C

Bloesem Living | Kitchens

{1. String kitchen 2. via pinterest 3. Paul Raeside 4. Claudia's kitchen 5. Nordic feeling  6. via Coosje}

A little while ago I invited  fiends and bloggers to be a guest pinner for one of my boards … Christine from House Of C starts this new guest pin series … she added some crazy good looking kitchens to Bloesem's Kitchen board … here just a few of my favorites but there are more than 150 pics to get ideas from.

I'm so glad Christine found the String kitchen for me .. I am a big fan of String and never thought of creating a kitchen with it. Such a simple but great idea … and probably one of the most affordable solutions for a kitchen! Another plus … you can bring this kitchen along with you whenever you deside to move house …. 

.. House Of C
.. Christine's pins
.. Bloesem at pinterest

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