Good Industrial Design Student Work: Yan Hug's Kipp Chair

The sad math of searching for the exceptional in a sea of mediocrity means you see too much of what you don’t want, and not enough of what you do want. The website of the Industrial Design program at Switzerland’s Contemporary Design Practices Institute, a/k/a HGK Basel, allots only a single image to each student’s project. Why?!?

I’d desperately like to see more shots of this Kipp chair, by ID student Yan Hug:

“We sit down dozens of times a day. We put ourselves in an unnatural position and often stay in it for hours. It is therefore important to move while sitting, this is referred to as ‘dynamic sitting.’ The active sitting position in particular has a positive effect on health, the ability to learn and concentration. Kipp is a modular seating object for the home, which can be adapted depending on where it is used. Thanks to the plug-in principle, Kipp can be intuitively and easily assembled without turning a screw. The movable seat surface encourages users to move actively while sitting.”

I want to see more, but I’ve searched the internet in vain for any information at all about an ID student named Yan Hug. If any of you have leads, please do comment.

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