Giveaway: four tea towels from Claudia Pearson


Welcome Claudia Pearson, we're happy you are doing a giveaway with us!

What you can win this week :: a lovely set of 4 seasonal tea towels.

What you have to do :: leave a comment below telling us, in what season do you love to cook the most?


This giveaway is open for entries until February 22.

Claudia Pearson is an illustrator, originally from London and now living in Brooklyn with her husband and 2 boys. She draws and paints both commercially and for fun whenever possible. 

..Claudia Pearson..

GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED :: the winner is Kate Casey, congratulations!! If you didn't win this giveaway do not fret, because another one is happening right now.

*If you are interested in doing a giveaway with Bloesem, please contact Tiffany – tiffany.bloesem(at)

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