Giveaway: a gift card to Field Guided


Welcome Field Guided, we're happy you are doing a giveaway with us!

What you can win this week :: a $75 gift card to be used on whatever you wish at the gorgeous Field Guided.

What you have to do :: since most of the totes from Field Guided feature song lyrics, leave a comment below telling us, what is your favorite line from a song?


This giveaway is open for entries until February 8.

Field Guided is the creation of Anabela and Geoff a couple living in Toronto Canada. You can read more about them here and here.

..Field Guided..

GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED :: the winner is Kellie, congratulations!! If you did not win this giveaway do not fret, another one is happening right now.

*If you are interested in doing a giveaway with Bloesem, please contact Tiffany – tiffany.bloesem(at)

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