Give Installation Designers some Love


Hit up “Industrial Design” on Coroflot and you get 22,193 profiles. Hit “Exhibition Design” and the number drops to 1,707. Within the broad scope of everything industrial design covers, Exhibition Design is a minority offshoot of what an ID grad might pursue, and within that subfield is Installation Design, even narrower in its focus.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art takes a look (sadly, a very brief one) at largely unsung Installation Designers with a short piece on what’s required of them as they prepare that museum’s upcoming “Roberto Capucci: Art into Fashion” show.

…The designers and the curator meet to discuss not just matters of space, but also what the show is trying to convey, what ought to be highlighted, and what the overall feel of the galleries must impart to the visitor. Decisions regarding paint colors and lighting options are crucial, but designing an exhibition model also requires consideration of the overall graphic treatment of the show, attention to the conservation needs of certain objects, and collaboration with the Museum’s A/V department should film, projections, or other extras be included….

Accompanying this is a slideshow containing a measly six images. Installation Designers, we just want to say that even though your job ain’t sexy, you guys get no press, and we would never actually associate with the likes of you, we do recognize and appreciate the importance of what you do.


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