Gimmicky-Looking, Hyper-Adjustable Ergonomic Chair is Crowdfunding Smash

The human body is simply not designed to sit for long stretches. But because our work demands it, we do, and a $10 billion ergonomic chair market has sprung up to meet demand. We desperately want to believe a cleverly designed chair can counter the negative effects of spending hours a day on our ass. As evidence of how robust and hungry this market is, this rather gimmicky-looking NEWTRAL MagicH, an “ultra adaptive support home office chair” by a company you’ve never heard of, has landed freaking $426,685 on Kickstarter at press time with 48 days left to pledge.

The chair boasts an “auto-following” feature for both the headrest and the back. The mechanism seems to amount to a spring. There’s also a flip-out footrest and a removable laptop/gaming table. Overall, the amount of adjustability built into the chair is staggering:

The pitch video:

I’m pretty skeptical that all of those mechanisms on the chair, which is going for $229 in the campaign and will reportedly retail for $429, could possibly be robust at those price points. But I am, no pun intended, arm-chairing it; I’ve never seen this chair in person. And pledgers aren’t skeptical, those numbers don’t lie.

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