Game Controllers, Part 2: Yves Behar’s "Love Letter to Console Gaming"


Yes folks, Yves Behar himself has designed not only a game controller, but the console for a new X-Box and Playstation competitor called Ouya.


We designed the controller to be a love letter to console gaming. It has everything you’ve learned to love: fast buttons, triggers, laser-precise analog sticks, a D-Pad—and we’ve added a touchpad for any games making the trek from mobile or tablet to the TV. It’s just the right weight. Everything just works. We call it ‘the Stradivarius of controllers,’ and we hope developers will be inspired to take gameplay to a new level with it.

What sets Ouya apart, from a business standpoint, is that they don’t have a corporate giant like Microsoft or Sony behind them; they’re attempting to get their open-source gaming system going on Kickstarter.

Behar and co. have mostly kept quiet on the project—the fuseproject site’s not been updated for a couple of months—but he does make a brief appearance in Ouya’s pitch vid:


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