Foster + Partners to 3D print buildings on the moon

News: Foster + Partners is exploring the possibilities of 3D printing buildings on the moon using lunar soil.

The London architecture firm is working with the European Space Agency to investigate methods for constructing lunar homes and has designed a four-person residence that would shelter its inhabitants from dramatically changing temperatures, meteorites and gamma radiation.

Foster + Partners to 3D print buildings on the moon

The base of the house would be unpacked from a modular tube and an inflatable dome would fold up over it. Layers of lunar soil, known as regolith, would then be built up around the frame using a robot-operated D-Shape printer, creating a lightweight foam-like formation that is derived from biological structures commonly found in nature.

“As a practice, we are used to designing for extreme climates on earth and exploiting the environmental benefits of using local, sustainable materials,” said Foster + Partners partner and specialist Xavier De Kestelier. “Our lunar habitation follows a similar logic. It has been a fascinating and unique design process, which has been driven by the possibilities inherent in the material.”

Foster + Partners to 3D print buildings on the moon

The architects have used simulated matter to build a 1.5 tonne mockup of the structure and have also tested smaller models inside a vacuum chamber. They hope to construct the first structure at the moon’s south pole, where it will be subjected to perpetual sunlight.

Led by architect Norman Foster, Foster + Partners has also recently won a competition to renovate the New York Public Library flagship and are working on a 200-metre skyscraper for Lehman Brothers Holdings.

Recent completed projects by the firm include the McLaren Production Centre in the UK and the Spaceport America space terminal in New Mexico. See more architecture by Foster + Partners.

3D printing has been in the news a lot recently, with a boom in demand for 3D-printed sex toys, the race to be first to print an entire building, 3D-printed outfits on the catwalk at Paris Fashion Week and sweet-dispensers with 3D-printed heads.

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