Forum Frenzy: Real Designers Ship


Early in my career I was introduced to the phrase “real designers ship,” which I took to mean “until you get something in production, you don’t know nothing kid.” To a point, it is correct. The actual up-front design process of research, insight identification, concept generation, iteration and refinement is relatively small compared to the full journey of product development. Until you go on that journey several times, it is difficult to understand how many opportunities there are for the original intent to get watered down or lost all together. Conversely, those moments are also opportunities to reevaluate and make the design better. Design doesn’t stop until the product is on its way to retail. Which is why real designers ship.

To honor that journey and those who have shepherded their products through to production, there is an awesome topic over in the Core77 discussion forums called simply “Newly Released Work,” where designers have been posting their latest production pieces. Check it out, and give your comrades a pat on the back or two. If you have gone through it, you know it isn’t easy.

Products clockwise from top left: Skora Running Shoes by Richard Kuchinsky, Thule iPhone case by Ryan Mather, Motorola DS4800 Series 2D Scanner by Mike Kaminsky, Roku 3 by Anson Cheung, Turnstone Buoy by Ricky Biddle, and Shur-line Deck Pad by Jim Kershaw


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