Following Museum Attack, Local Church Commissions Enrique Chagoya for Religious Painting

A nice, heartwarming new chapter in a story we reported on last week. As you might recall, an angered woman smashed artist Enrique Chagoya‘s controversial piece “The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals” at Colorado’s Loveland Museum Gallery, which depicted, depending on the opinion of your sources, Jesus engaged in a sex act. Since then, a pastor from Loveland has reached out to Chagoya, requesting that he create a painting of Jesus for their church. The artist agreed, saying he would even create the piece for free. Although some minor dissent swept across the congregation, by and large the reception has reportedly been positive. Here’s video of the pastor, Jonathan Wiggins, speaking to his church about why he decided to request a commission from Chagoya. And here’s a bit from his talking to the Denver Post:

“I think the novelty of an evangelical Christian calling him and wanting a dialogue pleasantly surprised him,” Wiggins said.

…”I read some things Chagoya had said, and it sounded more logical and reasonable than anything that was said about his work,” Wiggins said. “I think a good friendship has been formed through this. It’s been a profound experience for me.”

The paper reports that the piece is set to be finished by next year.

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