Flotspotting: Modo Dresses Otherwise Obsolete Media in Sweet Packaging


Modo—short for komodo, as in the dragon, judging by their logo—is responsible for some of the more unorthodox CD, DVD and vinyl packaging out there these days, serving a broad range of clients from their offices in Los Angeles, London, Brighton and China (no exact location given). It seems that some musicians still stubbornly insist on producing a physical document of their work despite the best efforts of iTunes, Spotify, etc.; Modo takes these ideas to the next level with everything from digipaks to flash drives, from traditional print and packaging to bespoke, injection-molded deluxe cases.



Thankfully, Modo’s designs won’t end up in landfills any time soon: each of their projects is a showpiece, fit to display on a bookshelf or mantle (assuming that the same people who buy box sets also buy books, picture frames, moose heads, etc.).




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