Fast Track to the Mobile App: Winners, Notables and Finalists Gallery


With our Fast Track to the Mobile App program drawing to a close, we are proud to take a look at our winners, notables and finalists in the newly launched Fast Track Gallery.

Three winners, car-pal+, Cash Hound and Social Mints completed their apps in time for the Mobile World Congress taking place in Barcelona next week. These three apps will be included in the featured apps on the demo Windows Phone devices Microsoft will be showing at the event February 27-March 1. The other 2 winners, Blackbelt and Bridge, are currently looking for partners and in development.

We are also proud to announce our 13 notables! Travel Trove, Project Mosaic, 1tap2send, YouTube Download, Meeting Planner, Get Reimbursed, MetroDiff, mHealth, SMS Scheduler, TASKMASTER, SlickFlow, Days Until and Draw & Tell are all available in the App Hub.

Check out our Winners, Notables and Finalists Gallery at


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