Facebook to Use Fact Checkers to Fight Fake News

sharing-disputed-story1Facebook finally bit the bullet. After weeks of mounting pressure, the company announced it was implementing a variety of methods to stop the spread of fake news.

The social giant will begin the battle by using third-part fact checkers and a revamped system to flag false stories.

Users can now easily flag stories they think are fake. They also have the option of messaging the person who shared it to tell them they’re an idiot. Or something nicer than that.

If a story gets flagged enough, the third-party fact check partners step in. That group includes Snopes, PolitiFact, The Associated Press, FactCheck.org and ABC News. They will fact check the article and if it’s found to be false, Facebook will present a “disputed by third-party fact-checkers” warning on the article.

Facebook is also ramping up its efforts to stop fake news outlets from profiting off of the social network.

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