Face-to-face a new designer’s profile with Ontwerplabel Vij5

And a little extra today … this short video made for us by Jonna van Hesteren

Morning, how are you all doing? I am feeling much better and am glad to be back to work this morning…. sometimes I find it hard to really call it 'work' because it often feels more like a 'hobby'. Yes lucky me to be able to do all day what I really enjoy doing… Like preparing a new post for the Designer Visit column in which my two friends, Marjon and Sandra, from the Netherlands visit well-known Dutch designers in their homes.

Jonna van Hesteren often assists Marjon in her photography job and this time she created a fun short video for Bloesem … giving a bit of extra and real life experience to today's interview


Today I am sharing the visit to ontwerplabel Vij5's home. It's not the first time I am talking about the work of Arjan and Anieke here on Bloesem. Ontwerplabel Vij5 often collaborates with other Dutch designers, who we have met at previous interviews. My favorite is perhaps the collaboration with Ontwerpuo which resulted in the gorgous Lloop lamp … would you like to see how Arjan and Anieke live and what their ideas and drives in life are … then head over to the face-to-face page right here


..all images by Marjon
..short video by Jonna van Hesteren

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