FABtotum Personal Fabricator: A Multi-Purpose Digi-Fab Workstation in a Single Box


The jury’s still out on the growth of 3D printing this year, but recent reporting suggests that the industry will extruding, fusing and sintering way towards the proverbial tipping point yet. A new “Low-Cost Desktop Personal Fabrication Device” (LCDPFD, anyone?) strikes a nice balance between price, practicality, and sheer versatility for the maker on a budget.

It’s not quite as slick as the previously-seen PopFab, but if its success thus far on Indiegogo is any indication, the FABtotum is a few steps closer to becoming a reality. Competitively priced at $1099 for the fully assembled machine, the personal fabricator was nearing its $50K funding goal as of press time, with nearly six weeks to go in its 50-day campaign (a build-it-yourself kit comes in at just under a G; a $699 conversion kit allows a savvy DIYer to convert their old 3D printer into a FABtotum).

Where the likes of FormLabs and Mike Joyce offer higher-end stereolithography machines at prosumer prices, we’re also seeing several interesting new developments in low-cost 3D printers (i.e. the $300 Printrbots used in the SAIC summer intensive) to multi-functional solutions such as the FABtotum:

Finding the right conditions where you can have both decent subtractive and additive manufacturing in one small envelope is no easy task. we think we reached a good compromise between speed precision and strength thanks to unconventional movement transmission methods and structural solutions.




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