F for future

On the day GCSE exam results came out this month, a series of print ads for The Prince’s Trust appeared in British newspapers aiming to encourage those students who perhaps didn’t do so well…

CHI&Partners created the series of three iterations, each of which shows an ‘F’ created from a photograph turned on its side.

The line “Turn a bad grade into a career in design/engineering/finance” supports the image formed from a bowl and cup; a cooling tower; and a two office buildings, respectively.

According to the agency, the brief was to inspire those students who had received disappointing GCSE results and emphasise how The Prince’s Trust can offer advice and support for young people to ensure that they can continue to pursue a chosen career.

Creative team: Pete Davies and Adam Rimmer. Creative director: Neil Clarke and Jay Phillips. Planner: Sarah Clark and Georgie Mew. Media agency: M/Six. Media planner: Katie Galbraith. Retouching company: CHI&Partners.

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