Epica 2010 grand prix winners

In a particularly strong year for the UK, Aardman Animations’ work for Nokia, M&C Saatchi’s campaign for Dixons, and Brothers & Sisters’ Streetmuseum app for the Museum of London scooped a grand prix at the recent Epica Awards, along with Fred & Farid Paris’s ‘red’ posters for Wrangler…

Last week CR returned from helping to judge this year’s Epica Awards, which awarded the top prizes to some vivid photography, well-honed long copy, a charming animated short, and a great iPhone app that makes excellent use of a London museum’s photographic archive.

The film Epica d’Or was won by Aardman Animations, Bristol for the Nokia N8 Dot commercial directed by Sumo Science (using CellScope technology) and produced for Wieden+Kennedy London. In the press section, the Epica d’Or went to M&C Saatchi, London for the Dixons The Last Place You Want to Go campaign. The interactive Epica d’Or was won by Brothers & Sisters, London for the Streetmuseum iPhone app produced for the Museum of London (the work also won Epica’s special Mobile Award.) And Fred & Farid, Paris took home the outdoor Epica d’Or for their Red campaign for Wrangler. All the Epica D’Or winning work can be seen below.

Other Epica-related stats for your delectation are that France appears to have topped the country rankings with 69 awards, including 21 winners; while Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg was the most successful entrant with 15 awards, including four winners. Y&R was the most successful agency network with eight winners from four countries. JWT Italy won the Integrated category with Heineken’s Are You Still With Us? campaign.

Epica D’Or in Film: Aardman Animations (UK): Nokia N8, Dot

Agency (& City): Wieden & Kennedy London
Creative Director(s): Mark McCall, Richard Dorey
Production Company (& City): Aardman Animations Ltd
Film Director(s): Sumo Science
Production Company Producer(s): Laura Pepper, Jason Bartholomew
Agency Producer(s): Lucy Russell, Lucie Georgeson

Epica D’Or in Press: M&C Saatchi (UK): Dixons, The Last Place You Want to Go campaign

Agency (& City): M&C Saatchi London
Creative Director(s): Simon Dicketts and Graham Fink
Copywriter(s): Simon Dicketts
Art Director(s): Graham Fink
Other(s): Typographer – Gareth Davies

Epica D’Or in Poster: Fred & Farid Group (France): Wrangler, Red campaign

Agency (& City): FRED & FARID GROUP, PARIS
Creative Director(s): Fred & Farid
Copywriter(s): Frederic Raillard, Farid Mokart, Feng Huang
Art Director(s): Frederic Raillard, Farid Mokart, Feng Huang
Photographer(s): Jeff Burton

Epica D’Or in Interactive: Brothers and Sisters Creative (UK): Museum of London, Streetmuseum iPhone App

Agency (& City): Brothers and Sisters Creative Ltd
Creative Director(s): Steve Shannon, Kevin Brown
Copywriter(s): Kirsten Rutherford, Lisa Jelliffe
Art Director(s): Lisa Jelliffe, Kirsten Rutherford

The full list of all Epica category winners (gold, silver and bronze) in film, print, radio, direct marketing, media usage, PR and promotions, design and imagery, web, and integrated can viewed on the results PDF here. More details on Epica 2010 at epica-awards.com.

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