Elle Inside Design Amsterdam…a full report part 2

Jantine Vaartjes from April and May studio also visited Inside Design in Amsterdam yesterday. And I couldn't be more happier then being able to have a peek inside the rooms at the Lloyd Hotel designed by two of my favorite Dutch design labels.. Kiki van Eijck and Ontwerpduo. 




Kiki van Eijck showing her designs in the ‘ soft room ‘ …aren't these objects not just stunning? Click here for her website: KikiWorld.




Ontwerpduo,  a room like a
fairytale with some of their  designs and beautiful window dressing. In the second image you see all their furniture dislayed in miniature just like a doll house, for example their cupboard and cross stitch bench, once created for the project 'when i was little'.


Not a room but available in the  ELLE shop during Inside Design was the beautiful Blue Ceramic tableware by Jeanine Eek

Thank You very much Jantine from April and May for making and sharing your images with us! Later more from Jantine her impressions…and her visit to IJM Studio.

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