Dulux sets walls dancing

In the latest installment of Euro RSCG Worldwide’s Let’s Colour campaign, mural painter Matt W Moore created a series of ‘live painting performances’ in Marseille Lyon and Paris

Let’s Colour, which launched in the spring, is a global campaign from Dulux/AkzoNobel and its associated brands around the world. The idea is to stage events in different cities in which Dulux paint is used to brighten up a neighbourhood thereby “adding colour to people’s lives”. Previous events have been run in Rio, Aulnay-sous-Bois, France, London, Jodphur and Istanbul.

The latest project, Walls Are Dancing, is the work of French agency BETC Euro RSCG. Moore (above), the directing collective Le Groupuscule and the electro artist Monsieur Monsieur were invited to “mix their talents in order to offer the French public an innovative performance for the promotion of the Dulux Valentine brand”.

Here’s the video:

And, of course, the ‘making-of’:

See more images here. By the way, if you follow this link to the Flickr slideshow and click on Options you will see one that “Embiggens small things to fill screen”. Top Simpsons reference.

The Let’s Colour project is the subject of our Case Study feature in the October issue of CR, which is out on September 23. In it, we explain the idea and strategy behind the campaign and canvas opinion on it from three leading creative directors.

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