DIY Designs of Retractable Wheels for Tool Bases


This ought to be a standard ID school problem presented to first-year students:

You’ve got a heavy, bulky piece of machinery that needs to rest on a stable base. But from time to time you need to move it around. All you’ve got is some basic hardware–hinges, casters, carriage bolts–and scrap pieces of wood or some metal pipes. What can you come up with that will temporarily render this thing mobile?

A host of DIY’ers without dedicated shop space are faced with this very problem, as they try to maneuver their table saws or workbenches around in cramped garages. Here are some of the clever, if decidedly homespun, solutions they’ve come up with. (The provenance of these ideas, by the way, is pretty cloudy; nearly everyone on YouTube refers to having previously seen a similar design…on YouTube.)

Object to be moved: Table saw
Materials for solution: Hinges, wood scraps, casters

Object to be moved: 4-foot by 8-foot workbench
Materials used: Carriage bolt, steel bushing, wood scraps, casters


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