We all aspire to own great original artwork by up and coming and established artists, but for most of us, now isn’t exactly the time in our lives when that goal is attainable. In the future, absolutely, but for now, not really. Although I encourage the support of the arts community, sometimes you just want a nice large piece of art to add color and interest to your walls. You have seen some pretty simplistic art out there and you figure, “Hey, I can do that myself”. If you are in that crafty/DIY mood and inspired by professional pieces you have seen, here are some ideas to get started.

Abstract Art

A quick trip to the art supply store to pick up a large canvas, brushes, and some acrylic or oil paints can yeild a free form composition. Some people even reuse leftover home interior latex paints to ensure a matching color scheme and to be green. Be aware of the colors that you choose and how they come together on the canvas, just like a real artist. Work by building layers of colors. Embrace drips. And if you paint with a fat brush you will save time. The result will be indistinguishable from museum pieces.

Oh Happy Day – great step by step instructions

Little Green Notebook

Made By Girl, what’s easier than big circles painted free hand in a grid formation?

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