Details of Alexander McQueen’s Will Released, Designer Leaves £50,000 for Care of His Dogs


The press took a bit of a break this week in talking about how insanely popular the Alexander McQueen exhibition at the Met has been, helping to set all sorts of record attendance levels and forcing the museum into staying open a few extra hours here and there to accommodate the heaving throngs, to instead talk about the departed fashion designer’s will, which was released to the public this week. Most notably, beyond the usual breakdown of assets given to family, charity, and friends, the majority of the talk has been about McQueen leaving £50,000 of his £16 million estate for the care of his three dogs, Juice, Minter and Callum. Such an animal lover was McQueen that reportedly his last statement was “Look after my dogs, sorry, I love you, Lee,” written sometime before he committed suicide. Furthermore, beyond the care for his dogs, the designer’s will also stipulated that two animal charities should each receive from his estate £100,000.

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