Designer in Charge: Dodge CEO Ralph Gilles


We love seeing designers speak with passion, and it’s a bit startling, though satisfying, to see when the designer in question works for a large corporation but has not had that passion beaten out of him. If anything, it’s quite the opposite in the case of Ralph Gilles.

Something appears to be going very right over at Dodge, where CEO Gilles is both an industrial designer and relatively young at just 40 years of age. As Gilles describes himself in an interview with Forbes,

I don’t see myself as the classic car designer that’s all about style. I’m always thinking about the business case, the big picture implications of whatever we’re working on, the engineering challenges. A true industrial designer is more of a problem solver. A true artist tends to make a singular piece that stands almost in a museum by itself, whereas an industrial designer is designing a solution for millions of people.

Anyways, back to the passion—check out this vid of Gilles speaking the design gospel at the Los Angeles Auto Show after the jump:


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