Design That Matters: Timothy Prestero on Designing Outcomes, Not Products


“There’s no such thing as a dumb user… there are only dumb products”
-Timothy Prestero

A couple years ago, we picked up on the NeoNurture, an infant incubator designed by Cambridge, Massachusetts-based non-profit Design That Matters. Since then, founder and CEO Timothy Prestero encountered several real-world problems—non-medical ones that were obstacles for the production of the equipment—useful lessons for DtM’s current project, the Firefly.


In his recent TEDxBoston talk, Prestero relates that the NeoNurture was the equivalent of a concept car in the medical equipment category: it was too beautiful for its own good. He draws on his experience with the NeoNurture to illustrate the difference between designing for inspiration and designing for the real world. The video is well worth 11 minutes of your time:


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