Degree shows: how can we make them better?

Final year students up and down the UK are beginning to plan their degree shows and, dear readers, they need your help. What did you learn from your own show and what do you wish today’s shows did better?



If you’re a recent graduate:

What tips would you give next year’s grads when it comes to the show?

Is it worth doing a physical publication or should they just have a website?

Should they theme the show?

If the college is based outside London, is it worth doing a London show? As part of a group show eg New Blood or standalone?

What about the work: how many projects should you show? Personal work or work for briefs such as D&AD?

How do you divide up the space fairly but in such a way that you can create an engaging show?

Anything else you learned?


The Kingston graphics show from 2013


If you’re a designer, creative and/or employer:

Do you attend degree shows?

If so, are you going with the intention of looking for someone to employ or just out of interest?

What do you want to see at degree shows?

What are your biggest frustrations with/criticisms of degree shows?

Is there any point to students doing printed catalogues or would you rather just view work online?

Any other tips?

What was the best degree show you ever went to and why?



Please give us your thoughts in the comments below and let’s help improve the degree show expereince for all

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