De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

Products are displayed amongst an array of colourful metal wireframes at this pharmacy in Madrid by interiors studio Stone Designs (+ slideshow).

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

“We use colour as an international language that everyone understands,” Stone Designs partner Cutu Mazuelos told Dezeen. “We love to use colour as a tool that lets people feel the atmosphere that we want to show them, turning the experience of buying medicine into a social event.”

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

Some of the wireframe boxes sit on a wooden platform, while others are mounted onto the walls.

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

Shelving colours shift from vivid red and pink on one wall to bright orange and yellow on another. Meanwhile, the checkout counter is finished in pale blue and features a white marble surface.

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

Pendant lights hang from the ceiling and patterned tiles cover the floor.

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

The shop is located beneath an old bridge, giving the space an arched ceiling.

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

Other pharmacies designed in recent years include one in Athens with a facade punctured by Braille and one in Belgium with a sliding cross-shaped window. See more pharmacies on Dezeen.

Here’s a project description from Stone Designs:

Farmacia de los Austrias The Farmacia de los Austrias (De los Austrias Chemist) is placed in one of the most emblematic areas of historical Madrid.

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

Our initial idea was to create a new space typology, in which tradition and vanguard merge in such a subtle way that originate a slow and deliberate dialogue in which no element stands out of the rest, creating an almost musical harmony.

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

Products are displayed in really thin metallic structures standing in the bluish walls, creating a sweet and warm chromatic range that makes us feel at ease. This space transmits that we are attended by real professionals, but with a more human touch than usual.

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

Some details such as the white marble counter help to strengthen the concept of the “well done job” that oozes the old; while other materials like the tiled floor, embrace us in a warm and close atmosphere.

De los Austrias Chemist by Stone Designs

It is a project in which, due to its nature and small size, even the slightest detail has been taken care of, creating an enormous sensory universe that makes the visitor enjoy a most gratifying experience.

The post De los Austrias Chemist
by Stone Designs
appeared first on Dezeen.

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