Damien Hirst Designs Cover to New Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Album

Damien Hirst is clearly on an album-designing tear. Well, that is if you consider designing two albums over the past three years a tear, which we, for no good reason, most assuredly do. In direct contrast to his extremely colorful, splatter paint-esque 2009 cover for the band The Hours, this week the Red Hot Chili Peppers unveiled their minimalist, Hirst-designed cover for their upcoming album, I’m With You. It features little more than a fly sitting on a pill, which symbolizes…um, that both flies and pills are always with us? If anything, it proves that while the Young British Artists movement might now be dead, Damien Hirst is still as relevant as the occasionally-together Red Hot Chili Peppers. Here’s the cover:

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