Daily Obsesh – Leaf Tray

imageIt seems like the cold has gone on forever, so the first signs of summer can’t get here soon enough! Every day we check the weather report and think, “Please be warm, please be warm, please be warm” just so we can break out all of our new skirts and dresses.

Some days we get what we want, other days we don’t. So to keep our lives consistent, at least inside our homes, we went out and got ourselves this nifty tray‘.

It’s a brightly colored leaf fashioned out of leather (it looks like metal in the picture, but it’s not!) that sits perfectly on our counter top to hold our keys, while gently reminding us that the sun will be shining soon enough. So never fear, warm weather is almost here!

Where to BuyMomaStore.com

Price – $18.00

Who Found ItSusanY was the first to add the ‘Leaf Tray‘ to the Hive.

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