Daily Obsesh – Bike Chain Bowl

imageA bowl is just a bowl … unless it’s not. Confused? Don’t be. Here’s what we’re saying – you can buy ceramic bowls (boring) to hold cereal and soup, but when it comes to keeping your keys or trinkets together, go with something that’s more interesting!

We like this handmade bowl made from a bike chain. It’s funky, looks cool in your home, and it’s a good conversation starter. You know … you can tell people it fell off your bike so you decided to get creative and – voila! – bowl. Or you can just tell them you bought it online. Either way, you’ll still earn some cool points!

Where to BuyUncommonGoods.com

Price – $63.50

Who Found ItSusanY was the first to add the ‘Bike Chain Bowl‘ to the Hive.

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