Crowdsourced Crime-Fighting: This Superman POV Video is Freaking Amazing


This is so awesome we’re surprised no one else has done this yet!

L.A.-based Corridor Digital is a tiny production company that makes full-time YouTube videos. Their latest combines a Dronefly and a GoPro, which we’ve seen before on the ‘Tube—but they’ve also added the Man of Steel, which we haven’t. Enough talk, behold:

The subtle attention to detail is what got me—did you notice how they got the lighting just right, in virtually all of the shots, including the barrel roll? The suspension of disbelief barrier is broken as handily as that guy’s AK-47.

So given that Corridor Digital’s videos are free, where does the funding come from? In two words, youse guys. CD is made up of directors Sam Gorski and Niko Pueringer and producer Jake Watson, and the trio has a kind of no-deadline Kickstarter business model: They scrape up the scratch to make awesome vids that they release for free, then accept donations to both recoup their costs and set future videos up.

To accomplish this they’ve partnered up with Patreon, an organization set up to back creative content producers through crowdsourced funding. Sadly I don’t see much application for the service to industrial design, but for those of you curious, here’s how the Patreon system works:


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