Creative hipster belt design uses a tiny industrial vice grip for a buckle

I can’t believe nobody made the connection between the terms ‘tightening and loosening one’s belt’, and the fact that a vice grip literally does the exact same thing.

A hundred years after the modern belt and buckle were invented, we’re still struggling with the fact that a lot of times the belt-holes don’t match up to where you need them to be and you’re often stuck with a belt that’s just a tiny bit too tight or a wee bit too loose. The MUDANKAI Adjustable Belt changes that.

Designer: COF

Click Here to Buy Now: $194 $277 (30% off). Hurry, for a limited time only.

Instead of using a traditional buckle-and-hole system, the MUDANKAI Adjustable Belt just puts a tiny vice-grip around your waist that lets you twist to fasten your belt. Almost like a tofu press that basically locks your slab of tofu between two walls, the buckle on the MUDANKAI locks onto the remnant end of your belt, holding it in place just the way a regular buckle would by threading a metal stick through a belt-hole. Except, the MUDANKAI doesn’t have any metal sticks or holes… its stepless design means you can tighten it wherever or whenever you want, giving you a belt that’s exactly as tight as you need it. A tiny stylized knob on the front of the buckle lets you twist to tighten or loosen your belt, making it even easier to adjust your belt in public without fiddling around conspicuously.

The MUDANKAI belt isn’t just about its buckle. The entire belt comes with a patented design that’s easy to wear, easy to adjust, and also designed to be reversible! Given that the buckle’s mechanism basically works by tightening and loosening, you can easily remove it and flip the belt over to reverse its design.

The MUDANKAI belt is available across a whole variety of colors and textures, from plain leather to textured crocodile skin. As for the buckle, it comes in either brass or aluminum, and sports perhaps the most eye-catchingly quirky design I’ve seen. It’s a combination of slightly industrial, mildly hipster, and just all-out creative!

Click Here to Buy Now: $194 $277 (30% off). Hurry, for a limited time only.

The post Creative hipster belt design uses a tiny industrial vice grip for a buckle first appeared on Yanko Design.

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