Creating Beats with the Speed of Raindrops


Musician j.viewz decided to take the logic from a Snapple “Real Fact” and put it to work as the featured instrument in a song. The project, one video in a series called “Re-enFACTments” by Snapple, takes advantage of one of the brand’s bottle cap facts (Real Fact #453, to be exact): “Raindrops can fall as fast as 20 miles per hour.”

He teamed up with Andy Cavatorta—the musical robotist that’s responsible for some of Bjork’s instruments—and percussionist Manu Delago to put the speed of raindrops to good use. In short, they made a midi controller that’s operated by the speed of raindrops.

Snapple-Creators.jpgAndy Cavatora (left) and j.viewz (right)

Snapple-WhiteBoard.jpgEarly plans for the raindrop instrument

Check out what they came up with:


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