CR in Liverpool: Horse

This month’s issue of CR features a survey of Liverpool’s thriving independent creative scene. We’re going to show more work from some of those featured here on the blog, beginning with illustrator and designer Horse

We were invited up to Liverpool by artist and illustrator William Johnston (aka Framedink) who gave us a guided tour of the city. Will took us to The Well, a volunteer run studio space with screenprinting and bike recycling facilities. Upstairs we met Horse, aka Gary McGarvey, who had just moved into one of The Well’s studios.

Horse specialises in gig posters, producing work for many of Liverpool’s venues – above is his poster for a gig by The XX at The Kazimier.

Here are some more of his recent posters:








In addition to his own work, Horse also runs Screenadelica, a gig poster exhibition founded in 2010 at the Liverpool Sound City festival featuring work by UK and Irish illustrators. This year, he has taken the show to Primavera Sound in Barcelona, Bestival and Orlando Calling in the US.

CR subscribers can see a selection of posters exhibited at Screenadelica in this month’s Monograph booklet which comes free with the magazine.

If you’d like to get Monograph in the future, details on how to subscribe are here.

You can see more of Horse’s work here



CR in Print

If you enjoy reading the Creative Review website, we think you’ll enjoy reading the magazine even more. The December issue of CR includes a profile piece on the independent creative scene in Liverpool, a major interview with Dutch book designer Irma Boom and a great piece on ‘Poster King’ Edward McKnight Kauffer. You’ll also find articles on Dentsu London, a review of the Walker Art Center’s Graphic Design: Now in Production show and a fascinating debate on the clash between design and advertising betwen Wally Olins and CHI’s Dan Beckett.

And if that wasn’t enough, the issue also includes a FREE paper toy for readers to cut out and customise.

If you would like to buy this issue and are based in the UK, you can search for your nearest stockist here. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 292 3703 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

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