CR April issue: Fuse and more

Creative Review’s April issue includes a ten-page special issue on Neville Brody and Jon Wozencroft’s highly influential publication, Fuse, plus charity ads get personal, Marina Willer, experimental books, the most beautiful tickets you ever saw and lots more all wrapped up in a cover by Mr Brody himself

With the imminent publication of Fuse 1-20, a complete history of the periodical that did so much to foster experimentation in type design, we have a 10-page feature looking at the abiding influence of Fuse.

If you would like to buy this issue and are based in the UK, you can search for your nearest stockist here. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 292 3703 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

And readers can win a signed edition of the bok, which comes complete with posters and an access code to download new typefaces by the likes of Stefan Sagmeister, Lucienne Roberts and eBoy, on our Gallery page.


Elsewhere in the issue, Eliza Williams looks at the way in which social media is allowing charities to make their advertising more personally appealing.


We interview Marina Willer as she makes the move from Wolff Olins to become Pentagram London’s first female (and first Brazilian) partner


Plus, we catch up with Chris Ashworth, the UK designer who is now helping define and deliver communications for Microsoft’s Windows Phone brand and look at Metro, the new ‘design philosophy’ informing everything that Microsoft does


And Emma Tucker reports on an extraordinary collection of tickets from the Milwaukee public transport system.


In Crit, Rick Poynor reviews The Electric Information Age, a look back at a time of great experimentation in book design, giving us such classics as The Medium is the Massage and Buckminster Fuller’s I Seem to be a Verb.


Adrian Shaughnessy meets the CEO of the highly controversial crowdsourcing site 99designs and asks what such operations mean for the creative industry


Michael Evamy’s regular logo design column examines a trend for purposely messy, imperfect marks


Jeremy Leslie’s magazines column looks at that all-important first question that should be asked when approaching any periodical project: ‘Why a magazine?’


And Gordon Comstock discovers that it’s not those pesky clients that he despises after all, it’s account managers


And, for subscribers only, we have a nostalgia trip in Monograph this month, our special 20-page extra publication as we go behind the scenes at Thunderbirds with an amazing selection of production and promotional images from the seminal TV show.


If you would like to buy this issue and are based in the UK, you can search for your nearest stockist here. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 292 3703 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.

Don’t forget, only subscribers receive our award-winning Monograph supplement, free every month.

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