Coverjunkie’s best magazine covers of 2011

Jaap Biemans of magazine cover blog, Coverjunkie, has published a one-off magazine to highlight no less than 214 striking magazine covers from 2011, whilst championing cover art in general…

As well as a host of magazine covers (including CR’s April issue from this year – our Logos issue) Coverjunkie Magazine also features a baker’s dozen interviews with art directors from around the world about what makes for a great magazine covers. Richard Turley of Bloomberg Businessweek, Robert Newman of Reader’s Digest, George Lois of Esquire USA, Matt Willey of Port Magazine, and Arem Duplessis of The New York Times Magazine are among the interviewees.

Biemans also groups together cover responses to this year’s big news, such as the Japanese tsunami and the death of Steve Jobs. Here is a selection of spreads from the 96 page, 33 x25cm magazine:

For more information about the magazine (and the regular blog), visit



CR in Print

If you only read CR online, you’re missing out. The January issue of Creative Review is a music special with features on festivals, the future of the music video and much much more. Plus it comes with its very own soundtrack for you to listen to while reading the magazine.

If you would like to buy this issue and are based in the UK,you can search for your nearest stockist here. Based outside the UK? Simply call +44(0)207 292 3703 to find your nearest stockist. Better yet, subscribe to CR for a year here and save yourself almost 30% on the printed magazine.


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