Corners of our Home in Kuala Lumpur


Hello, how was your weekend? We just got back (literally an hour ago) from a long weekend in Singapore … and it was truly wonderful. I have come to love that city a lot and am deeply impressed by the high quality of everyday life in Singapore. What I liked best is that we spend almost all our time outside…in the park, the beach or walking along the river and sitting down for a coffee or a glas of wine while the kids were playing in front of us. 


Bloesem111 Bloesem1 Bloesem5 Babypillowbamboochair 

I love living here in Kuala Lumpur but that is something I really miss here. I didn't visit any shop so I couldn't make a city guide for you but next time i'm there I will do. Today I also wasn't able to share a new Let' Get Personal Tour with you so I thought why not show you some images that were still waiting in my archives from our own home…to be honest these images are a bit outdated, I have moved the furniture around already….will show you the updated version real soon 🙂 





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