Core77 Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club Tonite with Geoloqi


Tonight, Core77 welcomes Geoloqi for our bi-weekly creative speaker series: The Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club hosted at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Geoloqi is a geo-location tagging app created by cyborg anthropologist and Curiosity Club alum Amber Case and Aaron Parecki. Come early and check out our shop or check in with us online for the live broadcast!

Tuesday, April 5
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209
Google Maps

“Ambient Location Apps and the Future of the Interface”

Wouldn’t it be nice if your colleague’s phone could SMS its location to you? If you know position and velocity, you know when they’ll arrive. The result: the interface disappears. No redundant actions or queries. The same software could turn your lights on as you approach the house. Or automatically “check in” to certain locations for you. Or leave a note for yourself the next time you’re at the store.


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