Core77 Hand-Eye Curiosity Club Tonite with Erin Lolcama, Acanthus Green Upholstery


Tonight, Core77 welcomes Erin Lolcama of Acanthus Green Upholstery to our bi-weekly creative speaker series: The Hand-Eye Supply Curiosity Club hosted at the Hand-Eye Supply store in Portland, OR. Come early and check out our space or checkin with us online for the live broadcast!

Tuesday, February 22nd
Hand-Eye Supply
23 NW 4th Ave
Portland, OR, 97209

Erin Lolcama’s talk will give on overview about the upholstery trade, it’s history and origins and how she got started and eventually trained as a professional upholsterer. This section will include her observations and stories about her store such as: “What people leave behind in their furniture might surprise you”, “Are booger collections okay to leave for your upholsterer to clean up?”, and “That’s not cat pee on your chair, that’s Grand Pa’s pee”.

Erin will bring in one of her pieces to demonstrate basic upholstery techniques and talk about the evolution from her first shop, Sit on it, which was a conventional upholstery shop, using petroleum based foams, polyester battings, and fabrics of unknown origins to the current shop, Acanthus, which uses natural latex, organic battings, and most of their fabrics are milled in the US and are free of toxic treatments. The work room smells good too!!


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